Educacíon and Wisdom
My higher level education began at Long Beach City College where I received an Associates Degree in Human Services. I then transferred to Cal State University, Long Beach where I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in Social Work, and finally my Master of Social Work specializing in child and family wellbeing and a Pupil Personnel Service and Attendance school credential.
What school didn't teach and is the most important part of our work together is the wisdom and teachings I have accrued from working with past clients, families, traveling, professionals in the field; my own living experiences as a first generation, youngest daughter, Brown-Chicana career women; teachings and wisdom of shaman’s, Mexica curanderx’s, healers; dads, mamas, tias and abuelas.
I also bring in the teachings of Holy Fire III Reiki. I have been guided and energetically attuned to faciliate energies in the most purest way using and natural universal light and medicina. I teach folks about their own energies and how to practice self healing.
I am part of the concilio 13 for the Instituto of Chicano/a/x Pyschology founded by Profe Manuel Zamarippa and Tlazoltiani Zamarippa. Where we work together to imagine and create healing for our Brown raza community.