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Corazon Conversations and Wellness



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Individual Psychotherapy

55-60 minute therapy for the mind, heart and body. Sessions are weekly or bi-monthly only.

Most sessions are virtual. Contact for in person availabilty.

Must reside in CA and have proof (due to licensure regulations).

Professional Consultation

Consultation services for BIPOC identified providers servicing BIPOC. Students, associates or licensed therapist/healers looking to case review or process therapist things from a decolonial approach and alternative healing modalities. I do not provide supervision hours for associate clinicians, but I'd love to still connect.

Energy Therapy

I am a practioner and "Master" of Holy Fire III Reiki. You can book this service seperately from other offerings on this website. This is not mental health therapy. This service does not constitute a therapeutic relationship.

In person and distant healing availability.

What should I do next?


Make an inquiry via contact form

After you've checked me out and feel we are a fit to work together in some capacity, simply reach out via the contact form. I will follow up within 2-3 business days by email, unless you specify that you perfer a phone call, then leave a phone number that I can reach you at.

We’ve Got You Covered

Andreina Zamudio, Licensed clinical social worker 94422
What you find on this website is for informative and marketing purposes only. This is not considered therapy nor does it entail a therapeutic relationship. .

My offerings and practice acknowledge and honor the first cuidadores of the Tongva land that I occupy today known as Long Beach, CA.

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