Licensed Clinical Social Worker Energy Facilitator y Guia
Hola! Mi nombre es Andreina Zamudio, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in CA (94422) and energy master facilitator. Estos regalitos de ser quien soy hoy fueron dejados por mis antepasados y mis padres y siblings. I can understand first hand the challenges of growing up in a Mexican home with traditional practices and values (looking back, I think they're more trauma related). I can understand the challenges that rose from being raised by immigrant parents. From jumping in and out of religion (because of the disappointment with the Catholic church) to being the silly, chillona, sensible, berinchuda, callejera, la que les preocupava, youngest daughter.
Finding spirituality, reclaiming indigenous practices and wisdom of my Mexica ancestry, and building awareness of intergenerational trauma has been the greatest blessing in my life. The more I walk my life in this way, the more I grow to recognize the immense beauty that life has for us. From my personal experiences and appreciation of life came a deep soul drive to help mi gente find and begin to walk towards their own personal freedom. A personal freedom that embraces who you are, your cultura, tus raizes, y tu ser.
Educacíon and Wisdom
My higher level education began at Long Beach City College where I received an Associates Degree in Human Services. I then transferred to Cal State University, Long Beach where I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in Social Work, and finally my Master of Social Work specializing in child and family wellbeing and a Pupil Personnel Service and Attendance school credential.
What school didn't teach and is the most important part of our work together is the wisdom and teachings I have accrued from working with past clients, families, traveling, professionals in the field; my own living experiences as a first generation, youngest daughter, Brown-Chicana career women; teachings and wisdom of shaman’s, Mexica curanderx’s, healers; dads, mamas, tias and abuelas.
I also bring in the teachings of Holy Fire III Reiki. I have been guided and energetically attuned to faciliate energies in the most purest way using and natural universal light and medicina. I teach folks about their own energies and how to practice self healing.
I am part of the concilio 13 for the Instituto of Chicano/a/x Pyschology founded by Profe Manuel Zamarippa and Tlazoltiani Zamarippa. Where we work together to imagine and create healing for our Brown raza community.
I Had To Find MY Way
For many years, I saw and participated in institutions that failed BIPOC communities because they didn't incorporate our identities, our history, and our natural healing. I witnessed people live but were not present; their souls were absent yet tired. Mi alma cannot sit still knowing this continues to happen.
Andreina Zamudio, Licensed clinical social worker 94422
What you find on this website is for informative and marketing purposes only. This is not considered therapy nor does it entail a therapeutic relationship. .